School district approves new app, day off


The Port Huron Area School District will give students and staff a day off next month in what is being described as a “mental health day” by Superintendent Theo Kerhoulas. The decision comes after Kerhoulas, other administratiors, and school board members visited each of the district’s buildings recently to talk to students and staff.

“We heard from our staff and students that it’s tough, they’re exhausted… they needed some relief,” said Kerhoulas. “December 10th we’re going to close down the district and give our staff, students, and our families an opportunity to catch up and spend some time together and participate in some self-care.”

During this week’s Port Huron School board meeting, members also approved the purchase of a new communication platform. Kerhoulas says the agreement with a company called Apptegy will make the school district’s web presence more accessible on smart phones. They will also build a new mobile application for the district.