Vaccine clinic coming to Marysville this weekend

A drive-thru vaccine clinic is popping up this Saturday at the Marysville Fire Department. Jim Kaski, President of the Blue Water Immunization Partnership tells WPHM the event is a great opportunity to get up to date with your COVID-19 vaccine, or even get the shot for the first time.

“If you didn’t get one in previous years, you can just come in and get the new vaccine, and it’s an annual shot,” said Kasik. “The only exception is if you are immune comprised, then you need to go through the series.”

He says the Pfizer shot will be offered at the Marysville Clinic and adds that it is okay to mix and match brands, as long as they are mRNA vaccines

Marysville Public Safety Deputy Chief Ed Gerrow also  says, flu, pneumonia, and RSV shots will be offered during the drive through event.

“As long as the supplies are there, we can accommodate anybody with those vaccines,” said Gerrow. “Our paramedics will be on location… as well as others who are qualified to administer the vaccines.”

The vaccination drive-thru will run 10 am until 2 this Saturday at the Marysville Fire Department. Additionally, shots area also available at most area pharmacies on either a walk-in or appointment basis.

October 7 Jim Kaski