All-clear given following suspicious package discovery

Some tense moments in a Port Huron south side neighborhood Thursday afternoon. Just before 2:00 pm Port Huron Police received a domestic disturbance call to a home on Peavy Street between 28th and Electric. When authorities arrived, one of the individuals involved said that he had placed an explosive package outside in the neighborhood. As a precaution, first responders began evacuating the surrounding home while the Michigan State Police Bomb Squad made their way to the scene. A package was discovered but no explosives were found in it or the house connected to the event. After the roughly 4 hour ordeal, residents were allowed to return to their homes Thursday evening.


Port Huron Police are investigating a suspicious package that prompted evacuations in the 2600 block of 28th Street. According to Sergeant Ryan Sheedy of the Port Huron Police Department, Peavy Street between Electric and 28th Street is shut down and the Michigan State Police Bomb Squad is on the scene. Sheedy says the initial report was for a domestic disturbance at a home in that area, and that further investigations lead to a suspicious package being found. Residents in the area of the 2600 block of Peavy Street are asked to contact St. Clair County Central Dispatch at 985-8115 to find out if they are in the evacuation zone and when they can return.