The Black River Canal could be shut down for the upcoming boating season, prompting concerns from the local boating community. Port Huron City Council was briefed Monday on the condition of the canal, which connects Lake Huron to the Black River. Last month’s ice jam on the Black River caused flooding in the canal and subsequent damage to the Tainter gate that controls the flow of the canal water.
City Manger James Freed says DLZ Engineering plans to assess the damage to the canal and gate over the next couple of weeks. They are expected to offer suggestions for either repairing or replacing the Tainter gate, the latter of which could cause the canal to be closed to water craft for much of the boating season. That has caused some concerns among the local boating community, including advocate Mark Watson, who approached City Council Monday night.
“If they close the canal, you have to come out the St. Clair River… which is passable, the main issue is that waves crash back and forth between the break wall, so the smaller boats like to use the canal to get to Lake Huron, which is where the sand bar is at.”
As for how repairs or replacement of the Tainter gate will be paid for, City Manager James Freed says they plan to tap into as many grants a possible and ask neighboring Port Huron and Fort Gratiot Townships for assistance. The canal is insured for $120,000 but early estimates for replacement are expected to be well north of that figure. Clean-up of downed trees and debris in the canal could begin as soon as next week.