Special events planned for solar eclipse


With a once in a generation near-total eclipse of the sun set to take place Monday afternoon, several special events will be taking place across the Blue Water area.

Casey’s Pizza and Subs will be hosting an event this afternoon at their bar and restaurant in Downtown Port Huron. Starting at 2:30pm, the first fifty patrons will be able to sample Bell’s Oberon Eclipse Beer and get a look at the sun by using special viewing glasses.

St. Clair Community College will be celebrating with a free event this afternoon from 2 to 4:30pm. College professors will be on hand to discuss the eclipse from vantage points of physics, astronomy, business, and historical contexts. Event organizers will also have special eclipse glasses available for no charge and various other ways to view the eclipse including from the SC4 planetarium and a live feed from NASA in the event of dense cloud cover. For more information visit the St. Clair County Community College event page at https://sc4.edu/event/solar-eclipse-viewing/